Thank You Teachers!!!
The After school Program and Theater Club are on a break for the summer and well Resume in September of 2024.
- After School Program: Tuesday 3:30-5 PM
- Theater Club will resume on February 13
As parents we want only the best for our children, including a safe, nurturing, fun place to set some foundations for a life of faith. PFC’s After-School Program and Theater Club serves kids Kindergarten thorough fifth grade. Our friendly and engaging staff lead crafts, games, stories, and lessons about God’s great love for us. The After-School Program meets at the Palouse Federated Church after school on Tuesdays and the Theater Club meets on Wednesdays. If your student needs a ride, please contact the school as the send a bus to drop off students at the church. Pick up is at 5 PM at the church.
Throughout the year we also have extra fun activities like the Palm Sunday Talent Show, Summer Camp, Vacation Bible School and our annual Christmas play.